A warning to the world about the signs of Jesus’s return

The Maranatha Christian Church (MCC) will hold the next edition of the “Trumpets and Feasts 2024” event on December 1st at 9AM (EST)
This special service aims to reinforce the message of God’s plan for humanity, reminding everyone of the proximity of the rapture, which will conclude the divine project of salvation.
Since its first edition on November 24, 2019, at Maanaim in Espírito Santo, this event has become a meaningful moment of fellowship and biblical teaching. This year’s program will once again be broadcast live to Brazil and worldwide via the Internet, television channels, and to churches connected through MCC’s satellite transmission. The message will be presented in Portuguese, with simultaneous translation into several languages, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, German, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, and Brazilian Sign Language (Libras).
A Message of Hope and Warning The central theme of the event is God’s plan throughout history. Initially, Israel was the focus of divine blessing, but with the ministry of Jesus and His death on the cross, the opportunity for salvation was extended to all humanity. Today, the church is living in a time of grace, awaiting the moment of the rapture.
After the rapture, God’s project for Israel will be resumed, fulfilling all remaining prophecies for His chosen people. The trumpets mentioned in the Bible announce judgment and the end of the church age. Thus, three groups are warned by the prophetic message:
- Israel, which awaits the fulfillment of prophecies.
- The Church, which will be raptured.
- The World, which will face judgment.
Impact and Expectation With each edition, the event has reached millions of lives around the world, renewing hope and faith in Jesus Christ. The expectation is that in 2024, even more hearts will be opened to the Lord. As the rapture draws near, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is occurring across the Earth, signaling the times in which we live.
The “Trumpets and Feasts 2024” event will be a unique opportunity to reflect on God’s eternal plan and to prepare ourselves for the imminent return of the Lord Jesus.
Maranatha! The Lord Jesus is Coming!