Maranatha Christian Church Massachusetts Seminar transmits biblical teaching to different nationalities
Classes about prayer, service and evangelism, among other topics, were delivered in five languages. Members and visitors exceeded 1,400
The Maranatha Christian Church (MCC) in North America held a seminar on October 1st, in Lowell, 48 km from Boston, in the state of Massachusetts, United States. More than 1,400 members and visitors attended the event, in addition to 290 people from Tanzania, Africa, connecting via live streaming.
The seminar proceeded in English and Portuguese, and was translated into Russian, American Sign Language (ASL) and Swahili, a language spoken in some East African countries. More people followed the event on YouTube.
Sunday Bible School
At 9 am, participants attended Sunday Bible School (SBS). Then, they participated in the classes “Prayer”, taught by the president of the Maranatha Christian Church of America, Pastor Ronildo Scherrer, and “Adoption”, delivered by Pastor Amadeu Loureiro, who came from Brazil representing the Presbytery (Presbitério Espírito Santense).
In the afternoon, Pastor Amadeu addressed the topic “The mystery of the Gospel”, followed by Pastor Donald Pelto, with the class “Evangelization today”. The event ended with a class on “service” given by Pastor Amadeu.
“After a visit to Europe, in London, Lisbon, Madrid and Milan, we are ending this series of seminars abroad in Boston. We had a very large group of people participating in this seminar with us. The Work has grown in North America”, said Pastor Amadeu Loureiro.
Pastor Ronildo Scherrer highlighted that the Massachusetts seminar was a milestone. “This was the second seminar in the state in 2023. The event was very blessed and the presence of the Lord was remarkable. We had experiences and the brothers witnessed what the Lord is doing in their lives”, said Pastor Ronildo.
Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents
The adolescents attended classes in the main temple, while children and intermediates participated in Sunday Bible School and classes on “Bible, the word of God”. They could also rehearse songs and take part in other educational activities that reinforced biblical teaching.
At the end of the seminar, children, intermediates and adolescents sang the hymn “Maranatha, the Lord Jesus will come”.
Trumpets and Feasts
Pastor Ronildo Scherrer mentioned that the presence of pastors from different areas of North America also allowed preparatory meetings for the international service Trumpets and Feasts III, on November 26th.
A total of 32 Pastors were present. From the Northeast region of the United States, Pastors Abimael Pizzoni, Alessandro Afonso, Cleverson Rocha, Cleidson Pereira, David Vieira, Dilton Rodrigues, Donald Pelto, Ediney Oliveira, Edmar Cavalcante, Jose Ramalho, Maicon Assis, Nairon Pimentel, Regis Martins, Samir Abbasov, Wilson Moura, Marcio Ribeiro, Marcos Paulino, Romeu Silva and Wellington Claro.
From the South region, the Pastors were Alexandre Laranjeira, José Roberto Filho, Ramon de Paula, Ronildo Scherrer, Stephen Fenstermaker, Leo Cunha, and Lucas Almeida. Pastor Dércio Pontes came from the western U.S.
From Canada, Pastors Cesario Sousa, Renato Hott, and Lucianderson Ferreira joined the seminar. From Brazil, besides Pastor Amadeu Loureiro, Pastor Servulo Alves came from Bahia state.
Also participating were pastors Juma Mwilelo and Abekya Atembo, from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who live in the United States, and the Swahili translator Denis Embete, together with their wives. They expressed the “joy of being part of this work revealed by the Holy Spirit”.
Mini-seminar in Connecticut
The day before the seminar, on September 30th, churches from Connecticut and some members from Newark and New York gathered at MCC Wallingford for a mini-seminar consisting of three classes. Around 180 participants and 25 visitors attended the classes.
Text: Beatriz Da Silva
Pictures: Joheny Pinheiro