“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

(Available in Portuguese/ Disponível em Português)

Four people were baptized Jan. 4 at Maranatha Christian Church in Framingham, Massachusetts, USA. The service was attended by 190 members and visitors from the Framingham, Watertown, and Tewksbury churches, all in Massachusetts.

Pastors José Antônio Amorim and Donald Pelto performed the baptism and were helped by Anointed Marcos Paulino. The newly baptized believers took part in the Lord’s Supper for the first time in this special service.

Throughout the event, spiritual gifts showed the renewal of the lives of those who were present and the promise of new conversions.

Quatro batizados em Framingham, Massachusetts

Quatro vidas foram batizadas no último dia 4 de janeiro na Igreja Cristã Maranata de Framingham, em Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos. O culto contou com a presença de 190 membros e visitantes das igrejas de Framingham, Watertown e Tewksbury.

Os pastores José Antônio Amorim e Donald Pelto fizeram o batismo e tiveram o auxílio do Ungido Marcos Paulino no período do louvor. Os crentes recém-batizados participaram da ceia pela primeira vez neste culto especial. 

No decorrer do evento, dons espirituais mostraram o renovo na vida dos presentes, a promessa de novas conversões e o despertar do desejo de batizar em pessoas ainda indefinidas.