“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Major Brazilian News Magazine Highlights Maranatha Christian Church’s Volunteerism

The magazine spotlighted Maranatha Christian Church as Brazil’s largest church in volunteers

Veja Magazine, a prominent Brazilian weekly news outlet, recently spotlighted the volunteer work undertaken by the Maranatha Christian Church (MCC). The article, published on March 7th, 2024, shed light on the significant impact of volunteerism within the church.

Volunteerism has become a cornerstone of the MCC’s ethos, with even its pastors actively participating in this culture. They maintain other jobs and do not receive any compensation for their duties within the church, as they view it as an expression of gratitude. Pastor Gedelti Gueiros, president of the Maranatha Christian Church, emphasizes, ‘We understand that ministry is not a profession; it is a project of faith.’

To read the full article, visit Veja’s website here, or access the PDF translated into English here.
